Cyber Security
TMB has developed a comprehensive selection of cyber security services that comprehensively protect your networks and assists with your training and compliance needs.
Cyber Security and the safety of your data should be one of your main IT considerations. TMB assist our customers with their cyber security stance by employing an established risk assessment methodology, based on cyber security industry frameworks. This process identifies your high risks areas and we are then able to recommend a tailored approach to mitigate the risks and ensure that you, and your data, are as safe as possible. TMB have a comprehensive stack of security products and solutions and we can advise which will work best for your business.
- Endpoint Protection to ensure your Multi-Factor is not breached
- MFA (multi factor authentication) help to secure logins from human error
- Email / web filtering to protect you from Spam and Phishing attacks
- EDR (Enhanced Detection / Response) AI solution to help with your zero-day response
- Information Security Policy, best practice and guidance for maximum safety
- Group Policy Deployment, create rules within your organisation to keep everyone safe
- Hardened Images, provide a secure, on-demand, and scalable computing environment
- Ongoing Assessments, constant vigilance and reviews against attacks
- Dark Web Monitoring, what information has already been stolen by hackers from your organisation and people
- Patch Management, live updates to keep you secure
- Firewall Management, making sure your security gateway is totally up to date
- Mobile Device Management, making sure all parts of your network are secure at all times
- PCI / GDPR compliancy, working with external assessors to make sure you are not at risk
- Penetration Testing, making sure your organisation is safe from hackers
- Vulnerability Management, constant scanning to identify weaknesses
- Staff Training & Awareness, let us help you avoid being the victim of social engineering
Talk to us about how we can make you more secure.